How To Play Jump Jive And Wail On Guitar!
Learn how to play in a jump blues style with this blues standard originally written by Louis Prima. This song is in the key of Bb, and we will be using the standard I, IV, V, and ii chords so, Bb, Eb, F, and Cm, but we are going to play primarily a jump blues style bass line through the chords.
Now you can play this guitar part along with either version the Louis Prima or the Brian Sezter the only difference with the Setzer version is that he modulates. Setzer changes keys towards the end of the tune from Bb up to the key of B.
Let's break it down!
Cat Stevens is a masterful songwriter and in today's lesson I am going to show you a way of combining some of the lead parts together with some essential folk guitar chords in how to play "Father And Son" on guitar. Let's break it down!
Unlock the guitar fretboard and learn to solo with my FREE book download - "Melodic Expressions"
Today is song #3 in the Abbey Road Series and it's how to play "Maxwell's Silver Hammer" on guitar by the Beatles!
If this is the first video you have seen in this series, I am posting a brand new song lesson each week on how to play every single song from the Beatles album Abbey Road!
This song uses that classic Beatles technique where you walk the bass up and down through notes of the scale. We'll primarily be using notes in the key of D for these bass lines in between the chords.
I'll break it down for you step-by-step in today's guitar lesson!
Unlock the guitar fretboard and learn to solo with my FREE book download - "Melodic Expressions"
Learn this classic song from the Drifters on guitar. First we are going to start off by playing the bass line on guitar, then we'll move into breaking down each section and make sure you stay until the end so you can learn the lead parts as well.
Unlock the guitar fretboard and learn to solo with my FREE book download - "Melodic Expressions"
You won't find any other lessons like this on YouTube! In today's guitar lesson we'll learn how to play the melody to this classic Beatles song on guitar. Whether you are a beginner and this is your first song, or you have been playing for years there is a lot of value you can get out of this simple melody.
Recently on the YouTube channel we have been going through entire albums, and breaking down how to play every song on them. Just a few weeks back we finished up how to play every song on the Rubber Soul album and now we just started Abbey Road.
My goal with these videos is to bring you value packed lessons on some of your favorite songs that you can reference for years to come. I want to show you how to make BIG progress with your guitar playing by studying the greats.
Today is a fun bonus video and in the description on YouTube I put the links to every song lesson in this series for you.
Unlock the guitar fretboard and learn to solo with my FREE soloing guide - "Melodic Expressions"
In today's lesson we are going to learn how to play "Lovefool" by the Cardigans on guitar. This song has a great groove to it and has an interesting songwriting trick where you modulate from a minor key to a major key. I'll break the whole song down for you step-by-step so you can get playing it today right along with the recording. I hope you get some value out of today's guitar lesson.
Unlock the guitar fretboard and learn to solo with my FREE book download - "Melodic Expressions"
Here’s an iconic song that, in my opinion, is the epitome of the “California Rock” sound.
It was made famous in the 70s by the Eagles. You’ll find it contains smooth vocals, a story behind it, and some brilliant guitar playing.
When I hear it I think of cruising the coast with the windows down.
So grab your guitar and let’s dive into this Peaceful Easy Feeling guitar lesson!
"Peaceful Easy Feeling" was written by Jack Tempchin an American musician and songwriter best known for his work with the Eagles. Born on February 7, 1947, in San Diego, California. Tempchin has had a prolific career, both as a solo artist and as a collaborator with some of the biggest names in rock and country music.
Tempchin wrote "Peaceful Easy Feeling" in 1969, inspired by a night he spent in a club in El Centro, California. According to Tempchin, the song was born out of his experiences with women and a sense of longing for a simple, tranquil love. He wrote the lyr...
Learn how to play every song from the Beatles' album Abbey Road!
Yes that's right, you are going to get a FREE lesson on how to play every single song on this classic album. Here's how it works. Each week I am going to upload a brand new song lesson as we work our way chronologically through the album. I am really excited to share with you this new series, and we're kicking it off today with how to play "Come Together" on guitar!
Unlock the guitar fretboard and learn to solo with my FREE book download - "Melodic Expressions"
Once you get a basic understanding of how to play chords on guitar, and maybe you've learned to strum a long with a song or two the next step that most guitarists want to do is to start embellishing their basic rhythm guitar with some riffs and single note lines. In today's lesson I'll show you a way to start mixing in a riff while strumming open position chords. Check it out in how to play "Pink Houses" by John Mellencamp on guitar.
Unlock the guitar fretboard and learn to solo with my FREE book download - "Melodic Expressions"
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