Level: 🎸🎸Intermediate
In this video you'll learn how to play "I'm Gonna Be (500 Miles)" as recorded by the Proclaimers on guitar. This is a great song for practicing your power chords and palm-muting. The majority of this song is just based around 3 chords an E, A and B. I'll break the whole song down for you note-for-note so when you're finished with this lesson you'll have everything you need to play right along with the original recording. Let's get started!
Level: 🎸🎸Intermediate
In this video you'll learn how to play "Wild World" by Cat Stevens on acoustic guitar. This song is in the key of C and mixes chords and lead lines together. When you're finished with this lesson you'll have everything you need to play right along with the original recording. Let's break it down!
In this lesson you'll learn how to play "When My Heart Beats Like A Hammer" as recorded by Eric Clapton & B.B. This tune is a slow blues in the key of C and uses a 12/8 time signature. I'll break the whole song down for you so when you're finished with this lesson you'll have everything you need to play right along with the original recording. Let's get started!
In this lesson you'll learn how to play "You Ain't Seen Nothing Yet" on guitar. I'll break down all the sections so when you're finished with this lesson you'll have everything you need to play right along with the original recording. Let's get started!
In this lesson you'll learn how to play "I Won't Back Down" as recorded by Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers on guitar. I'll break down some essential rock guitar techniques like playing power chords, palm-muting and more in this video. When you're finished with this lesson you'll have everything you need to play right along with the original recording. Let's get started!
In this video you'll learn how to play "The Seeker" as recorded by the Who on guitar. This song is in the key of A, and Pete Townshend uses some quick 16th-note rhythms as he changes between standard open position chords. I'll show you how to play the whole song from top to bottom and when you're done with this lesson you'll have everything you need to play right along with the original recording!
Level: 🎸🎸Intermediate
How To Play Atlantic City On Guitar | The Band Guitar Lesson + Tutorial
Level: 🎸🎸🎸Advanced
How To Play Still Got The Blues On Guitar | Gary Moore Guitar Lesson + Tutorial
Get Your FREE Blues Training Series (not on YouTube) with TABs + a PDF Soloing Guide Book
Level: 🎸🎸Intermediate
How To Play River Of Tears On Guitar | Eric Clapton Guitar Lesson + Tutorial
Get Your FREE Blues Training Series (not on YouTube) with TABs + a PDF Soloing Guide Book
How To Play Beautiful Boy On Guitar | John Lennon Guitar Lesson + Tutorial
Get Your FREE Blues Training Series (not on YouTube) with TABs + a PDF Soloing Guide Book
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