Jon MacLennan


Learn How To Play "And I Love Her" with this Guitar Lesson

fingerstyle Jun 18, 2023

If you're a Beatles fan, you know that the iconic band has created some of the most unforgettable tunes in the history of music. One of these tunes is "And I Love Her," a song that has captured the hearts of millions with its beautiful melody and romantic lyrics. 

If you're a guitar player, you might have tried playing this tune before, but finding the right chords and techniques to master it can be challenging. That's why I’m here to help! 

In this guitar lesson, I'll take you through the steps to master "And I Love Her" on the guitar. From the basic chords to the fingerpicking patterns, I'll break down the song into manageable sections, so you can learn and play it with ease. 

So, grab your guitar, tune-up, and let’s get started!

Who wrote And I Love Her?

"And I Love Her" was written by primarily Paul McCartney however it is credited to the Lennon–McCartney partnership. The song is the 5th track of the album A Hard Day’s Night and it was released in 1964.

It was first releas...

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How to play the Blues Scale on guitar

blues Jun 17, 2023

Ready to unlock one of the most powerful guitar scales that you can use in millions of songs today?

In this post, I’ll show you how to play the blues scale on guitar step-by-step.

WARNING: About The Blues Scale

Before we get into the meat of this lesson I need to address a concern I see with a lot of other lessons on this topic, and that is the combination of the blues scale with the minor pentatonic scale. 

From a player’s perspective, I completely get the fact that they are almost the same thing, however from a theoretical perspective they are actually two different scales. The pentatonic scale has 5 notes in it while the blues scale has 6.

Also, I want to address another common issue, it is important to know that the majority of the time musicians refer to the blues scale they are actually referring to the minor blues scale.

However, there is a major and a minor blues scale. For this lesson, I’ll be demonstrating an E minor blues scale and this would often be referred to as...

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Learn Cinnamon Girl by Neil Young in this Guitar Lesson

rock Jun 13, 2023

In this post, I'll be unraveling the secrets behind one of Neil Young's most iconic tunes, "Cinnamon Girl." You'll learn how to master the iconic licks, tuning, rhythms, progressions, and I'll even cover some tone tips too in this step-by-step lesson.

Who wrote Cinnamon Girl?

"Cinnamon Girl" was written by Canadian-American singer and songwriter Neil Young.

The song debuted on the album Everybody Knows This Is Nowhere, in 1969 featuring the backing band Crazy Horse.

The song was later released as a single and went to #55 on the U.S. Billboard Hot 100 in 1970.

The track features Young on guitar and lead vocals. Plus Danny Whitten, also on guitar, Billy Talbot on bass, and Ralph Molina on drums. 

What tuning is Cinnamon Girl in?

The guitar part for “Cinnamon Girl” is in a double-drop d tuning. This is accomplished by tuning down the 6th string and the 1st string on the guitar 1 whole step from standard tuning.

6th string: E = D (1 whole step down)

5th string: A = A

4th strin...

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How to play Everyday I Have The Blues on Guitar

blues Jun 10, 2023

What if you could rock out at a blues jam with confidence? 

Or be able to play with other musicians and demonstrate some serious blues guitar skills? 

Well, if either of those sounds good to you, keep reading because, in this post, I'll share with you how to play "Everyday I Have The Blues" as recorded by B.B. King on guitar.

Who wrote Everyday I Have The Blues?

"Everyday I Have the Blues"  was written by the Sparks brothers, Pinetop and Milton. They used to perform the song in pubs and bars in St. Louis, Missouri. The tune follows a standard 12-bar blues chord progression and the original recording features Pinetop on piano and singing with a falsetto style tone. This first recording was done on July 28th, 1935. 

Throughout the decades it’s become a blues standard and has been recorded by countless famous blues musicians. 

This song became a staple in B.B. King’s repertoire. So much so that throughout his career, he made numerous recordings of it both live and in the studi...

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How to Play Mustang Sally on Guitar

blues Jun 08, 2023

THIS is a song that I struggled with learning for a while. It wasn’t the chords that I struggled with or the song form, those are both very common patterns. Where I got stuck was with the actual guitar part to play from the recording. 

It sounded like one guitar but I couldn’t quite get my part to sound like the recording. So for years, I played this song on gigs with just a common rhythm accompaniment that wasn’t like the guitar part on the recording. It wasn’t until later I finally went back and figured it out from the recording. It’s actually TWO guitars.

In this “Mustang Sally” guitar lesson, I want to share with you the chords, rhythms, and scales to start jamming it with ease today! I’ll break down the guitar parts from the recording and share how you can combine them to play a great pattern for this song on one guitar.

Also, it’s a valuable song to know because it comes up at many jam sessions and parties. A lot of people play it!

So with that said make sure you’re tuned ...

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The Ultimate Hideaway Guitar Lesson (Freddie King & Eric Clapton)

blues Jun 06, 2023

When the clock struck 9:55 P.M. every Friday night for six years, I played the same song.

"Wait, what!" you may be asking. "You played the same song at the same time every week for six years?"


"What song is it that you may be wondering?" Well, the answer is "Hide Away" by Freddie King. While this may sound a little crazy, let me fill you in on the backstory. Decades ago, I was sitting in a private guitar lesson with a great teacher I had at the time. In the lesson, he started playing this really cool blues in the key of E. I heard it and was immediately hooked.

I thought, "Wow," and asked my instructor, "What is that?" He said, "That's the Hide Away riff." He didn't really explain it; he just played the riff and said, "Yeah, it's a blues break tune I've been playing for decades." 

Then I said, "Awesome, what's a blues break tune?" And he said, "Well, it's a song you play at the end of your set when you are going to take a break. You know it's the one where ...

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The ULTIMATE Nobody Knows You When You're Down Guitar Lesson

blues Jun 03, 2023

When guitar players think of blues chord progressions inevitably they often default to thinking about the typical 12-bar blues progression, however, there are a ton of other blues progressions that don’t get talked about as much. Today I want to share with you one of those progressions in this “Nobody Knows You When You’re Down and Out” guitar lesson.

“Nobody Knows You When You’re Down and Out” follows an 8-bar blues chord progression and has quite a different chord progression than just the typical I, IV, and V chord blues.

In this lesson, I’ll break down the chords, and different ways of strumming, fingerpicking, and even soloing over this blues classic. So get tuned up and let’s go! 

Who Wrote Nobody Knows You When You’re Down and Out?

"Nobody Knows You When You're Down and Out" has become a blues standard over the years but it was originally written by pianist Jimmie Cox in 1923. It was first performed in a Vaudeville-blues style. The song's lyrics tell of a wealthy person w...

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This One Simple Idea Took My Blues Solos To The Next Level

blues Jun 03, 2023

Often when players begin learning to solo over blues progressions they start by learning the minor blues scale. Next, they’ll work out a few licks or make up some of their own and play them over some rhythm. 

This rhythm backing could be a blues shuffle into a looper or maybe even along with a backing track. 

In this post, I want to show you a simple way to take that information and get more from it by simply shifting how you think about licks on the neck.

So let’s say for example we were going to solo over a rhythm pattern like this:

This is a common blues rhythm used in countless tunes. Since this pattern is based on the A chord shape, we could use the A minor blues scale at the 5th fret like this:

These same strings and frets can be thought of like this as well:

6th string frets = 5, 8

5th string frets = 5, 6, 7

4th string frets = 5, 7

3rd string frets = 5, 7, 8

2nd string frets = 5, 8

1st string frets = 5, (8)

Here’s an example of a lick you can play over this rh...

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The Ultimate Guide To Learning Eric Clapton's Little Wing on Guitar

rock Jun 01, 2023

Eric Clapton is undoubtedly one of the greatest blues rock guitarists of all time, and his iconic rendition of “Little Wing” is a masterpiece that every guitarist should check out. But let's face it, mastering the song can be a daunting task, especially for beginners. Fortunately, with the right approach, anyone can learn to play “Little Wing” like a pro.  

In this step-by-step guide, I'll break down everything you need to know to learn the song, from the basic chords to more intricate soloing examples. I'll also provide helpful tips and tricks along the way to help you perfect your technique and truly capture the essence of Clapton's style. Regardless of your level, this guide will help you see key insights into playing in the style of Eric Clapton and unpack one of the greatest rock guitar songs of all time. 

So grab your guitar and let’s get started!

Who wrote Little Wing?

“Little Wing” was originally written by Jimi Hendrix and recorded by the Jimi Hendrix Experience in 1967...

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3 Killer B.B. King Licks Every Guitarist Should Know

blues May 30, 2023

Want to play blues licks like B.B. King?

In this post, I'll be sharing 3 B.B. King licks that capture specific elements of his guitar style. I'll break down each lick and examine the chords they go over, as well as the scales that are used behind the notes.

These licks will sound great when played over blues progressions, but they are not strictly limited to the blues. As you become more comfortable with these phrases, you'll find many other places to use them.

King is often regarded as one of the most iconic blues guitarists of all time, known for his soulful playing and signature vibrato. King was able to create so much music with so few notes, establishing an instantly identifiable style. He was a true master of blues phrasing and had exquisite taste in his choice of licks.

Lick #1

Lick #1 can be used for a blues in the key of G. Here we are playing over a G7 chord, but the shape I associate with this lick looks like this:

This chord looks like a barred-up open position C...

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