Here’s an embarrassing little tidbit about what I’ve been going through lately…
I think you can use this info to help you play guitar better and improve faster.
When I was a kid, I was homeschooled. Grade zero all the way up through high school, until I went to college at UCLA for music.
But early on, and probably still to this day, I was a little nuisance. Kinda like Dennis the Menace. Remember that show?
Anyway, my mom hired various tutors to teach me, as well as herself throughout my early years. One day my tutor was showing me how to hold a pencil and write with it.
Now, there are basic principles for a good pencil grip. It should be held in a stable position between the thumb, index, and middle fingers. But being the little shyt I was. I didn’t do this. I grabbed the pencil like a monkey and wrote however I wanted.
I remember the teacher telling me, “No Jonathan, hold the pencil like this” as she demonstrated.
I was so bad, they got me one of those plastic grippers that...
The year was 2002…
I had just bought tickets to see the Who at the Hollywood Bowl and was ecstatic.
You see, Pete Townshend was one of my idols, and seeing him do the windmill arm live was definitely on my bucket list.
The show I had tickets to was on a Sunday night…
But something tragic happened the Friday before the show...
News broke that John Entwistle had passed away...
My heart sank as I thought this is it, I’m not going to the Who. They are going to cancel the shows.
So they canceled Friday night's show and Saturday’s show. But the first show back was the show I had tickets to on Sunday night.
And wow was it a powerful night…
In fact, Roger Daltrey came up on the mic, and the first thing he said to 17,500 Who fans at the bowl was…
“Tonight we play for John”...
Another amazing side-note to this story is that legendary bass player Pino Palladino had stepped in and learned all of John’s bass parts for the whole show in two days.
What a legend.
Today I want to share...
One of my buddies texted me this awesome video that blew up on the internet…
It’s about two guys who walk into a Walmart and become blues stars. It got over 10 million views.
It starts off with them just mozying around the aisles. Then they stumble upon this little red toy guitar. It’s a short scale guitar for kids and what happens next is quite shocking.
One of the guys picks it up (Clay Shelburn), and starts busting out these tasty Stevie Ray Vaughan-style blues licks in E. He’s slaying this mini guitar right there in the toy aisle, sandwiched between Barbie dolls and Legos.
He then comes in singing and does the first verse of “Pride and Joy” with a soulful tone.
The camera guy, filming on his phone, leans into the frame and Clay says, “Catch the next verse?”
The camera guy says, “I'll do it.”
And then he comes in and sings the next verse!
After that, Clay plays a little blues solo and then takes it out with a blues-ending lick.
The barbies go wild.
It's a great examp...
Years ago I was sitting in a music class with blues guitar grand puba Kenny Burrell…
He didn’t have his guitar with him that day. But he did have a grand piano in the room.
So he walked over to it and played the notes:
In that order, slowly, he hunted and pecked at the keys. (Kenny isn’t a piano player. But, he would often use the piano to demonstrate certain sounds he was talking about.)
He then looked up at the class and said, “Do you know what that is?”
The room was silent.
He said,
“That’s the blues scale.”
Then he paused and said,
“Do you have that worked out? All over your instrument?...
…because if not, you’re going to want to do that.”
Decades later, I still remember this lesson. And as I became a more proficient musician. I’ve only seen MORE value in it.
You see, when I play lead guitar, in pretty much ANY style, I rely on knowing the blues scale on my instrument. The blues seems to always sneak its way into my soloing somewhere.
But ...
A few decades ago I was down at this ginormous record store in Hollywood, California called Amoeba Music.
I’d spend hours in the listening rooms and thumbing through records.
One day I stumbled upon this bundle of Eric Clapton’s Unplugged concert.
It was both a DVD and a CD. I bought it and listened to it...a LOT...
Like every day.
And I learned every song on it…
This album was incredibly instrumental in teaching me a ton about the rhythm and lead blues guitar. Today, I'd like to share with you 3 killer blues licks from Eric Clapton's Unplugged Record.
If you want to learn the patterns and scales behind these classic licks. Get your hands on my blues scale PDF guide at the link below:
Jon MacLennan
Not long ago, I read this crazy story in a book.
It was about an anthropologist who went to live among tribal people with little to no contact with the modern world.
The anthropologist wanted to share some of the wonders of modern technology with these isolated folks. And so he took a photo of the chief and his wives.
When the Polaroid picture was processed and shown to the chief. He was unable to recognize the blotches of black, white, and gray as an image of himself. He had never learned to translate two-dimensional images into recognizable three-dimensional shapes.
Yet at the same time. This chief could look at a patch of grass and say what kind of animal had walked on it and how long ago. He could do that as easily as you and I can tell the sun from the moon.
Playing music works the same way.
Most guitarists haven’t learned to see the patterns below the surface. It’s like they are living in isolation and can’t recognize themselves in a photo.
They have problems like lea...
There’s so much information out there nowadays for learning guitar.
But most of it is a bunch of horse pucky.
That’s why in this post I want to share with you a 3 min trick that works better than 60 minutes of practicing.
I’ll be applying this trick to soloing. But, it can work for becoming a good rhythm guitarist as well. (I’ll save that for another lesson.)
Here’s the thing…
Most guitarists don’t really want to spend years training to become professional musicians. I mean who would? Wouldn’t you rather just be able to play like one without all the agony and mindless practice?
In fact, the majority of my students in my programs are older players who don’t want to join a band. They just want to be able to sit at home and play some good solos (perhaps with a backing track). They don’t have time to sort through all the nonsense online. And don’t want to stay up late at night wondering if they’re doing it right. Or if they will ever get to where they want to go.
But let’s take ...
A little while ago I learned a new word:
It essentially means nonsense talk. Gibberish.
Kind of like when a guitarist cranks up their amp, launches into a solo, and just spews out a bunch of blatherskite.
Or maybe in a band, suddenly the lead singer cuts the solo short. When they realize it’s just spiraling into blatherskite with no feeling.
There’s really only one reason for this.
You see, often players have learned their scales, they’ve maybe even tried them in different keys all across the fretboard.
But when they solo there’s still something missing. They don’t know where to go from there. Using the tools they have keeps resulting in solos lacking melody and feeling. I was stuck here too for a while until blues master Kenny Burrell showed me how to break free.
If this describes your solos, and you would like to change them to captivating solos dripping with emotion and feeling.
Go to:
Jon MacLennan
I was listening to an interview with the great Tommy Emmanuel the other day and heard something really fascinating…
The interviewer asked him about what his practice sessions are like.
Let’s be honest, as guitarists we want to know these things. We want to peek inside the minds of these legends. Learn their hacks and get their secrets. There’s got to be some mystery or magic behind the curtain that we’re missing, right?
Many times there is. That’s why it’s super important to be careful who you listen to. But anyway, despite what many people might think Tommy would say like:
Well, it’s 20 minutes of ear training, then it’s 15 minutes of major scales… blah blah blah
What Tommy actually said was, he puts his guitar strap on, stands up, pretends there’s an audience in front of him, and just plays songs relentlessly without stopping.
His practice is like a show.
You see, there is this awesome feeling that you get when you play for people and sub-consciously it does wonders f...
The year was 1975 and famously Aerosmith at this time was living a pretty debaucherous lifestyle…
And this led to boiling tensions in the band.
But out of their unwavering dedication to the music…
Some amazing tracks came out of this period for them.
Today’s riffs are from the classic album Toys in the Attic.
And this song all started with a grooving bassline that Tom Hamilton stumbled upon one day in the studio.
I’m going to break it all down for you step-by-step in this “Sweet Emotion” guitar lesson!
The song "Sweet Emotion" is a classic rock anthem written by Steven Tyler and Tom Hamilton, members of the American rock band Aerosmith. It was released in 1975 as part of their album Toys in the Attic. The song has an infectious groove, of course, powerful vocals from Steven, and some epic guitar riffs.
Recorded at the Record Plant in New York City, "Sweet Emotion" features Steven Tyler on vocals, Joe Perry on guitar, Tom Hamilton on bass, Brad Whit...
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