Let's learn this slow blues in the key of C as recorded by Freddie King. This is going to be a two part lesson because there is quite a bit to cover in this song. This first lesson is going to cover the first two choruses of the song. Freddie King changes up the standard 12-bar blues with some really cool chord substitutions, and he also adds a bridge and a final section. You are going to learn some AWESOME blues techniques in this lesson. Let's break it down.
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Let's learn this classic from the Five Satins on guitar. We are going to break down the 2 main sections to this song. I'll show you the chords that you need to know and the strumming patterns to use in a 6/8 time signature. Have fun!
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Let's learn this classic as recorded by Elvis Presley on guitar. This song is essentially a 12-bar blues progression in the key of A, and for our chords we are going to be using the I, IV, and V chords. This is another great example of why it's important to know the blues because you are going to use it in so many of your favorite songs. We'll start off with some chord hits on an A, and then we'll dive into the progression using a swing feel throughout. Let's break it down.
Unlock the guitar fretboard and learn to solo with my FREE book download - "Melodic Expressions"
Today is song #6 in the Abbey Road Series and it's how to play "I Want You (She's So Heavy)" on guitar by the Beatles!
If this is the first video you have seen in this series, I am posting a brand new song lesson each week on how to play every single song from the Beatles album Abbey Road!
This song uses another very common Beatles style guitar technique called arpeggio picking. This is a concept where you play a chord progression but instead of strumming it you pick individual notes of the chords. It requires precision and accuracy with your picking hand to be able to pluck the intended strings and is an invaluable technique for any guitar player to develop.
There are a ton of other songs that use this technique for example: "Bluebird" by Paul McCartney, "Summer Of 69" by Bryan Adams, "More Than A Feeling" by Boston and many more! Also, in this song is another concept I talk a ton about here on the channel and that is making sure you know how to play the melody of the song on gui...
In today's lesson you'l learn how to play "Into The Mystic" as recorded by Van Morrison on guitar. For this song we are going to tune our guitar down 1/2 step to play the main acoustic guitar part to the song. So tune your guitar to Eb, Ab, Db, Gb, Bb, Eb and let's get started!
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Let's learn a funky 12-bar blues in the key of F for today's guitar lesson on how to play "Back Door Santa" as recorded by Clarence Carter. I've combined a few of the guitar parts on the original recording into one fun funky rhythm guitar part. Let's break it down!
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Originally written by Willie Dixon, this song has become a blues standard and a must-know riff for every blues guitar player. To play this riff we are going to tune down to a drop D tuning. I'll show you how to play it step-by-step in today's lesson. Let's break it down!
Don't forget to download your free guide book about soloing here!
How To Play The Letter On Guitar | The Box Tops Guitar Lesson + Tutorial
Rolling Stone magazine included this classic song as #372 on it's list of the "500 Greatest Songs of All Time," and all you need are a couple chords and a driving eighth note rhythm pattern to play the whole guitar part. There are two main sections to the song and I'll break each of them down for you so you can get playing it today!
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Let's learn this classic holiday song as recorded by Elvis Presley on guitar! Blue Christmas is in the key of of E, and I am going to break down the main acoustic guitar part you hear in the song. For the majority of this lesson we will be using the basic I, IV, and V chords E, A, and B, so grab your guitar and let's break it down!
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Let's learn the main acoustic guitar part to this classic song from Alanis Morissette called "Ironic". For this song, we are going to use a capo on the 4th fret and also I'll being demonstrating this in a fingerstyle way of playing, so I won't be using a pick. You can of course use a pick if that is what is most comfortable for you, either way sounds great. Let's break it down!
Unlock the guitar fretboard and learn to solo with my FREE book download - "Melodic Expressions"
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